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From the beginning of print journalism, Basque has been in the media. During the Carlist Wars, the press was used to send messages in Basque: in 1834, both sides, the liberals and Carlists, posted messages in Basque in El Correo del Norte. However, it was after the end of the Franco regime that the Basque-speaking media really developed, thanks to the determined support of social, political and cultural agents. Today, Basque has its own press, radio and television, as well as being at the forefront of digital media.

433. Uscal Herrico Gaseta by August Xaho, 1848. 434. War correspondents in Muskiz, Biscay during the Second Carlist War. 435. The early days of EITB. Installing the aerials on the roof of the ETB building in Iurreta, Bizkaia 436. The magazine Argia was the heir to Zeruko Argia, (Pamplona, 1919) and Argia (San Sebastian, 1921). The current Argia has been, since 1980, a weekly current-affairs magazine in Basque and a reference point for journalism in Basque. Since 1997 it also runs an interesting and very complete website. 437. In the 1950s, some church-run radio stations begin to broadcast religious, sports and cultural programmes in Basque. In the 1960s, they extended their subject matter. A key player in this process was Herri Irratia in Loiola, which managed to take Basque out of the rural sphere and adapt it to urban life. In 1976, Herri Irratia organised the mass festival 24 orduak euskaraz at the Anoeta Velodrome, to demand a Basque-only radio station. 438. Mihiluze is a quiz show on ETB1, based on everyday uninhibited use of Basque. It has been a great audience success and over 500 programmes have now been made. 439. Euskaldunon Egunkaria, was a daily newspaper published entirely in Basque. It was created in 1990 at the initiative of a group of 70 people, the Egunkaria Sortzen. It had a print run of 12,000, but was closed down by the Spanish National Court in 2003, accused of having links with ETA. The charges were never proven. In 2010 the courts shelved the case for lack of criminality. The largescale popular protest that arose when Egunkaria was closed led to the creation of Berria (2004), which took up the baton as the only daily newspaper in Basque. Behind the project was the group EKT, which runs the portal site www.berria.info and the local Hitza newspapers, with 7 editions. 440. The public broadcaster, Euskal Irrati Telebista, was created in 1983 by the Basque Government, thus initiating the first Basqueonly broadcasts: ETB1 on television and Euskadi Irratia on the radio. ETB1 and ETB3 currently broadcast solely in Basque; ETB2 broadcasts in Spanish while ETBSat is a bilingual channel targeted at Europe, and Canal Vasco has the same function for the Americas. 441. In Navarre, one of the most important of local media in Basque was Ttipi-ttapa (1980), a magazine, website and TV station for the Baztan, Bidasoa and Leitzaldea area. The broadcaster Euskalerria Irratia, maintained by popular subscription, also broadcast from 1988 to Pamplona and its environs. One of the most important bilingual initiatives was Ze Berri? (1996), a free magazine for promoting Basque, published by thirty municipal authorities and drawn up in the two languages, with a print run of 70,000 issues. 442. Hala bedi!, from Vitoria / Gasteiz, a veteran pirate radio station. 443. In the Northern Basque Country, Radio Côte Basque began broadcasting in 1963. It paved the way for Baionako Gure Irratia, Irulegi Irratia and Xiberoko Botza, all of which have broadcast only in Basque since the 1980s. 444. Since 1990, EITB also broadcasts Euskadi Gaztea a station with music and youth-targeted content. 445. Numerous local magazines and televisions were founded from 1980 on, most at the initiative of associations for the development and standardisation of the Basque language. There are currently 33 local magazines, with a readership of around 260,000. There are also 6 local radio stations and 7 television stations, all of which enjoy government backing. In Gipuzkoa, local television stations broadcast entirely in Basque 446. Goenkale, broadcast on ETB1, with 17 seasons and over 3000 episodes under its belt, is the longest-running series anywhere in Spain. 447. ETB's children's schedule in Basque is made up of cartoons, dubbed series and in-house productions, with leading figures such as the popular clowns Txirri, Mirri and Txiribiton, who have been on the air for over 25 years. Irusoin recording studios for mixing audio and dubbing films. 448. Most public bodies offer Basque on their websites. In the picture, the website of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa. 449. There is also an extensive supply of information in Basque on the Internet. Practically all print and audiovisual media have their own websites. The digital press in Basque is also represented by media such as argia.com, sustatu.com and enjoys the backing of a large number of active blogs in the Basque language. 450. The Balde is a free bilingual magazine in Basque and English on art and avant-garde trends.
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