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Bertan > The Basque language > Introduction
Bertan 24


1. Coins from the mint at Barskunes (Pamplona), (second to first century BC). 2. The Basque language predates the emergence of Indo-European languages in Europe. Its origins are unknown. It does not form part of any semantic group and shares no common features with any other language in the world. Lerga tombstone and Roman trumpeter, first century AD. 3. The Arrano Beltza (Black Eagle) symbol in a document pertaining to Sancho the Strong, king of the Basques. Book from the armoury of the Kingdom of Navarre. 4. Manuscript by Lazarraga. Lazarraga's signature. 5. The Basques struck up friendly relations with the native Americans, fostering collaboration and exchange and developing trading relations that were later taken up by the French, English and Dutch. Cod fisherman with his gear. Innu from the St Lawrence/Saguenay area. Cod. 6. The book Gero, by Axular 7. The German linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt was the first to spread accurate accounts of the Basques among European cultural circles. 8. Eusko Ikaskuntza. Poster of the Second Congress of Basque Studies organised in Pamplona by Eusko Ikaskuntza in 1920, devoted to the theme of teaching. 9. Xabiertxo (1925 first edition) published by Isaac López de Mendizabal, Tolosa. 10. Gudari (Basque soldier) at the end of the Second World War. As they had at the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939, many Basque combatants who had fought with the Free French forces were again forced into exile. 11. Emblem of the University of the Basque Country. 12. Emblem of the Bai Euskarari campaign. 13. The oral tradition in updated files. 14. Baton used in the Korrika (a relay race run over several weeks through the towns and cities of the Basque Country to promote the Basque language). 15. The euskalkis, or dialects, according to Koldo Zuazo. 16. UNESCO has praised the significant advances made in the position of the Basque language, although much work remains to be done before it is fully standardised. 17. The bertsolari (improvising poet) Andoni Egaña. 18. The multimedia exhibition Batek Mila, Euskal Munduak, produced in 2007, showcased the culture and varying features of the Basque community worldwide.

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