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Bertan > Bertan 18 Fortificaciones en Gipuzkoa: siglos XVI-XIX > Ingeles bertsioa: The tower in Pasaia

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The tower in Pasaia

19. View of Passages port and Fort Hay. Print by Day & Haghe based on a drawing by T L. Hornbrook. London 1837. The Pasaia tower can be seen in the foreground. The Lord John Hay fort was built on the hill during the First Carlist War.© Gorka Agirre
19. View of Passages port and Fort Hay. Print by Day & Haghe based on a drawing by T L. Hornbrook. London 1837. The Pasaia tower can be seen in the foreground. The Lord John Hay fort was built on the hill during the First Carlist War.© Gorka Agirre
20. Pasaia Port. The sculpture stands near the site of the former Pasaia Tower. In the background is the Basicilica of Christ (Pasaia Donibane).© Gorka Agirre
20. Pasaia Port. The sculpture stands near the site of the former Pasaia Tower. In the background is the Basicilica of Christ (Pasaia Donibane).© Gorka Agirre

On several occasions, San Sebastian had to defend its jurisdiction over the port of Pasaia against the claims of the new towns which had sprung up in the area around the strategic port. In the first half of the sixteenth century a roughly circular tower was built on the west bank, occupied until 1805 by a governor-tower-keeper with jurisdiction over the access canal and the inlet. To supplement the limited artillery which could be installed in the tower itself, a gun platform was erected some distance away. The building was damaged by fire in 1835, and finally demolished in 1867.

23. Plano de la Ría y Puerto de los Pasages y de las Poblaciones situadas en su Costa según se hallaban en el año de 1760, charted by the military engineer Felipe Cramer (fragment).© Carlos Mengs
23. Plano de la Ría y Puerto de los Pasages y de las Poblaciones situadas en su Costa según se hallaban en el año de 1760, charted by the military engineer Felipe Cramer (fragment).© Carlos Mengs
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