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martes 22 octubre 2024

Praileaitz I

Type of site: Cave.
Municipality (Townland): Deba.
Territory (Province): Gipuzkoa.
Country: Basque Country.
Discovered by: Mikel Sasieta, Juan Arruabarrena.
Year: 1983.
Dig director: Xabier Peñalver.
Date: 2000 (ongoing).

During certain periods of the Upper Palaeolithic period, when much of the European mainland was covered in ice, many human settlements were located in low lying areas, sometimes close to the coast. Shown here are some of the most significant sites in Europe and in what is now the Basque Country. They include some of the many cave dwellings of the lower Deba river basin, among them Praileaitz I.

1. First set, consisting of three pendants. 2. Three pendants made from incisors of wild goat (Capra pyrenaica). 3. Laying the necklace in the inner room. 4. View of the inner room at Praileaitz I (Deba). 5. Plan of the Praileaitz I Cave . 6. Harpoon, Aitzbitarte IV (Errenteria). 7. Pendant with deep incisions. 8. Jay feather. 9. Reindeer. 10. Ochre pencil. 11. Regular incisions. 12. Richly decorated pendant. 13. Pendant shaped like an atrophied deer's canine. 14. Woodcock feather. 15. Naturally perforated stone. © Xabi Otero

16. Pendant with outline reminiscent of the paleolithic Venus. 17. Northern gannet. 18. Bisons. 19. Location of caves with significant Upper Palaeo-lithic archaeological levels in the Basque Country. 20. Location of some of the most significant Upper Pa-laeolithic sites in Europe. 21. The adjoining map shows some of the caves discovered in the lower Deba valley. 22. Ptarmigan. © Xabi Otero
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2024 Dirección General de Cultura - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.
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